Мозговой шторм продолжается :3 Утром Понта-сан сказал, раз я такая быстрая и закончила с переводами, теперь должна написать свое мнение об этом месте на английском.
Oh, God, why? Вот любые переводы, только не писать свое мнение на английском =/ Я его уже так неплохо забыла и косячу сильно с ошибками. Поэтому, если можете, проверьте мой текст, пожалуйста : D
Час настроя, два часа мучений и под конец я даже расписалась. Spirit Inspiration ко мне вернулось~
Спрячу под кат, чтобы сильно не позориться : D На самом деле, я попыталась вложить все свои чувства и эмоции в этот текст, тут действительно честное мнение об этом месте, как, сначала, мы думали, что мы здесь не проживем три месяца, что изолированная деревня - это конец, и как все пришло к тому, что это место стало моим японским домом, и я безумно люблю всех этих людей
"Ничто в этом мире не бывает случайным"
Мнение на английском :3
Hajimemashite~ My name is Ksenia, but here everyone is calling me きっちゃん, 23 years old. I am from Russia, Moscow, where I attended Lomonosov Moscow State University and did my bachelor's in ‘British/ Italian/ Russian studies’. So, right now, I am a teacher of Russian and Italian languages especially for kids. I really like kids, but they are a lot of work, so I am working hard to do my best.
I always had an interest in Japan, Japanese culture and Japanese language so at least I wanted to visit my beloved country. I really like to help people, so I searched any volunteer projects through the Internet and found some very interesting. I chose project in Samegawa-mura because I wanted to help with children camps and took part in children general education through intercultural communication. I believe that learning a foreign language and learning about foreign culture in early age can by useful for general intellectual development and can help to become a broad-minded person.
Of course, when Yasu-san, the representative of NICE, told me that it’s Fukushima prefecture, I was afraid, but soon I’ve changed my mind. I really want to help people from all Fukushima prefecture to change opinion about this part of Japan. People from Fukushima suffers more from the rumors and gossip that this place is crazily dangerous and you should not go there, buy their products and etc. But it's not true: every day they wake up and go to work, their children are having fun with during the camps. Life goes on, and this is all what we need to know about Fukushima. I wish Fukushima will soon recover from all these gossip. I am writing my own blog in Russian language, so, through it many people already knew that Fukushima isn't dangerous place at all! :3
First, when we came to Samegawa-mura with my friend Saya (she is from Kazachstan), we were really surprised that this place is so isolated mountain village. There aren't any convenience store or post office, no places to go, only untouched nature and rice fields. We're all in complete shock. I've never stayed in such isolated village before, never lived in an american trailer or taken a shower with other people. But soon I realized, that nothing in this world happens by chance, so I have to get this 3 moths challenge with smile! :3
Cause already passed two month, I have a lot of interesting to tell u! :3
The most important thing here that Abukuma is one big family. Everyone helps each other, the main slogan of Abukuma: "Let's go forwards by working together!". In the beginning we started to work in the garden. Ponta-san taught me that working in the garden has other, less spiritual rewards. In addition to being a source of fresh, healthy produce, gardening can ease stress, keep you limber, and even improve your mood. After two weeks I really started to love working in the garden.
They also run lodging facilities on-site that can be reserved by the general public. Lodging is offered in combination with experiences such as making handmade udon and making pizza in a wood-fired oven. It's very interesting experience. People r coming from different cities, we r working together on the rice fields and then go to onsen! :3 Here I first played the すいか game. And it was soooo breathtaking!
Then we had non-stop series of camps for children. It was hard, but, in the same time, very interesting. This month taught me that despite all the difficulties, it is necessary to meet each day with smile. With smile u can do everything!
Sometimes, when I didn't understand children, I sit with them and hold their hands. Sometimes worlds are never necessary, all we need to do is smile, love and understand each other at a soul level. My experience is that it really is that simple, and it works! During these camps I started to notice a low rumbling sound. And I realized that there's a fire starting in my heart <3
In conclusion, this place has changed me a lot since I got here: I started to love nature and care about it; here I met so many friends; right now this place became my japanese house where my beloved family is waiting for me. Abukuma is the best place on earth. If everyone could attend this camp, the world would be a much happier place. Nowhere else can a person gain an appreciation for nature and life. If you want to change your life, you have to come here, and your life will change forever! So, please, come here! Thank you for ur attention, see u~ きっちゃん
Надеюсь, Вы еще не устали от моих переводов :3 Всех обнимаю
Ryu-O, че, правда? по мне я на уровне 5 классника пишу : D
это да, проблемы с самокритикой у меня есть)))
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